Friday 9 November 2018

Advice to those worried about Brexit.

It's no use worrying about the effects of Brexit. They will be what they turn out to be depending upon the form Brexit takes, soft, medium, hard- or doesn't take.

A drop in the pound, increases in interest rates? Yes, yes quite likely at least until Britain settles down, accepts whatever has happened, dusts itself down, stops moaning and throws itself with enthusiasm into the new opportunities wherever they are. A lot of energy, enthusiasm and determined leadership will be required. The world will go on whatever happens. Dawn will break on the day after Brexit and we won't be starving , fighting for stocks of pills or suffering gridlock around our ports and airports all summer 2019.. There will be hiccups, eagerly seized upon by swathes of the media. Some things will need quick resolute solutions. Those who actually run the businesses, logistics, border controls, customs and other things which run 24/7/365 will sort it out. Politicians, most of whom are unfamiliar with the mechanics of doing or running anything will be superfluous. No doubt they will make statements though.

In the overall scheme of things Brexit will turn out to be a hiccup. There's far more to worry about than that.  Think about the very real prospect of a government led by Corbyn, McDonnell and comrades from the far left. Old fashioned union power, inflation and high interest rates would return and investors would flee. It would be way beyond any previous British experience of socialism. This would be a government which actually doesn't like large groups of  voters at all. The label "Tory Scum" , didn't come from nowhere. The Corbynistas wouldn't be about soft fuzzy socialism. They would be about the  state spending and taxing like never before.

Against this merry scenario five or ten years of all that and Brexit fades almost into insignificance.Got any savings anyone? Earn more than about £40k a year? Aspirations for yourself, family, future generations?  Think about it.