Saturday 11 February 2012

Twiga on Holiday!

Apologies for the current quiet spell for new posts but Twiga is currently holidaying and viewing the world from the savannas of native African territory. As result new posts will be intermittent through to the end of the first week of March when there will be many 360 degree views to report.

Meanwhile the UK and world nonsenses continue regardless. The Syrian cities are on the brink of becoming new Sarajevos while the world, paralysed by the UN's deference to undemocratic countries large and small stands back and watches. We could be on the brink of one or more major scenes of human slaughter. In the UK the saga of changing managers of the national football team seems to be a bigger preoccupation for many of the media. The outgoing man has said "I'm fed up with this ,- I'm out of here" ( and who can blame him) while another veteran and fresh from a successful court appearance on another small matter has said sort of "Don't mind if I do". Comedy indeed.

Other things have sadly been much less comic. In the words of McArthur "We shall return" to them soon,- and find some good things too. Meanwhile back to this acacia tree.