Friday 17 February 2017

Remainers,- Tone rides to the rescue,- Not.

The news that Tone, the one time Prime Minister who amongst other things took his country into a disastrous and unnecessary war is , more glistening eyed than ever, back on the warpath. This time he wants to save Britain from Brexit . That can't be good news to the Remainers.

Pictures of anyone, let alone a man who may see himself ,- surely alone amongst humanity,- as potentially returning to Number 10 as leader of a disparate and desperate band of metro Labour MPs, rebellious Remainer Tories,Scottish Nationalists and a smattering of Lib Dems, warmly embracing the man who did so much for the Brexit campaign, Jean Claude Juncker is enough to ensure that Leave wins any second referendum. That old smirking grin " Look who I'm with " ( Dave had a similar one ) is there again . Many potential voters reach for the sick bag.

The be-hugged Juncker, was one time Prime Minister of Luxemburg, population 543,200. That makes the position similar in importance to being leader of Sheffield , population 530,000,  City Council. Both before and after the a Referendum vote this man has done nothing to re- think creatively how Britain might be persuaded to stay. Instead he continues to issue lofty ( if that is possible from low level) statements about how difficult it's all going to be for the recalcitrant nation and any others who might be so bold as to say enough is enough and they either want the eventual unification nightmare abandoned or to get out of ever more stifling union,- aka centralised control.

Good night Tone. Thank you for calling, but no, you've done enough leadership for one lifetime. Will someone please tell him before everyone does?