Wednesday 18 August 2010

The Beginning.............

This is the beginning of a new blog which will flit amongst issues great and miniscule in the UK and around the world. It aims to inform, entertain and sometimes challenge by shining a light into some of the recesseses and realities of domestic and international affairs, issues, events, people, politics and things of passing note. It is intended to be wide and free ranging as you would expect from a Twiga (giraffe)and will not always be respectful though never malicious. Twigas are normally gentle creatures unless provoked ,in which case they tend to kick your engine in with their back legs. Hopefully what is written will be fair and the interpretations of things and events we are those a Twiga would obtain from looking down on them while thoughfully chewing a nice piece of thorn tree.Any offence would be entirely unintentional and the Twiga apologises in advance for any lapses.

For those with an interest in all things to do with transport by land, sea or air , it has a twin under the label Air'N There.