Unfortunately when the shiny faced Nick Clegg said "No rational person wants to see Greece exit the Eurozone" he wasn't misreading his script. He actually meant it.
Over the weekend he continued on track saying that any talk of putting up the shutters on economic migration from Greece or other European countries following the collapse of the Euro was "deeply unhelpful". For "unhelpful" we can read "the possibility shouldn't be discussed or aired". This is consistent illiberal Liberalspeak for anyone daring to question their views. Their unswerving support of all things EU regardless of the organisation's essentially illiberal, non democratic nature is also consistent with this ongoing intolerance of opposing views. If the LibDems had their way , questions which should be asked of any organisation and challenges which should be made never would be never get an airing. It is an extraordinarily naive and potentially dangerous way of thinking and totally ignores the rights and interests of the constituent electorates and taxpayers.
Maybe the party should (at last) come clean and change its name.