BP seem to be expressing surprise that their new Russian partners, and others in Russia,- are proving troublesome from the start. Surely as a long standing global business in a bruising market the company can not have gone into the deal believing it was ever going to be an easy relationship?
As Russia sees it, BP, beaten up by Obama no less, is on the ropes and desparately needs the new deal. It is not a good starting point for negotiations and it is likely to be ruthlessly exploited with constant demands for renegotiation of points already understood to be agreed. No doubt other parts of the Russian establishment can provide feet out to trip or obstruct as and when opportune. That is business and if BP went into it with anything other than eyes wide open and steely resolve, very broad shoulders and a skin inches thick they will find life very stressful indeed.
Down the track, Russia Plc would like a seat on the BP Board as this would give them access to vast amounts of information on UK power and fuel policy,concerns and security. Interesting thought.